Mt Thomas 29 June 2022

Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Dave R Selwyn Jan Bbr Veronica
Alternates Norma Min Ali Joanne

Stats: distance 15km, vertical ascent 790m, time 5hrs 45mins

When President Bev joined us on the bus and made the usual announcements, she noted that our expected 27 trampers had swelled to 33 which was pleasing. Some of the old hands had considered that perhaps each week’s trip should be a “mystery tour’ so that the members deterred by the “Mt” preceding some of the tramps’ names, would be none the wiser until the destination was reached.

Mt Thomas has a reputation as being a long and challenging ascent. The Standards set off up the road at a fast clip to join the Ridges Track and to see if they could be the first for a couple of years to reach the summit.   Despite the valiant attempt it was not to be, and they arrived back at the bus over an hour behind the Alternates well-satisfied with their day, but still to knock the blighter off!

Meanwhile the Alternates were enjoying a fabulous day, lead at a steady and comfortable pace by Norma. Setting off on the Red Pine Track, the group was delighted that a new pathway had been constructed since the previous year’s washout, and this pathway was rated by all as A1!! We were high and dry with a groomed surface underfoot and many of the group commented that this was one of the few times that one could stroll along enjoying the scenery, confident that no rocks or roots were lurking to cause havoc for the inattentive. At the junction with the Kereru Loop track, the ascent became steeper, but the numerous switchbacks ensured that this was easily manageable. Underfoot now were the usual tripping hazards to be wary of, and then a truly formidable obstacle in the form of a large tree that had fallen across the track. The option of going around or under as is sometimes possible was ruled out, and a call to the rear for the chainsaw fell on deaf ears. Not even an offer of a Swiss Army Knife was forthcoming. We were silently grateful that it was up to Norma to demonstrate how we were going to get over this tree. “Come the moment, come the man”, or two in this case, and Bill and Gavin ensured that that we all reached the other side without too much effort.

Not long after this we dropped steeply to a stream where we thought we would have lunch, but with no sun it was decided that we would retrace out steps to the top where we could enjoy the dappled sunlight.

We were all a little worried about what it would be like getting over the aforementioned obstacle on the return journey as it appeared that the “mounting and dismounting” would prove more hazardous, but our two heroes had their technique honed and again all dropped down the far side unscathed!!

With plenty of time, we branched off and took the Kereru Loop track back to the bus where we quickly donned some extra layers to ward off the chill as we waited for the Standards.

Another great day in the bush. Thank you, Bishopdale Tramping Club. Txt by Jan Bar.