BTC By-Laws

Club by-laws

Introduced on 1 March 1999 and amended 10 August 2010 and November 2021 by the Committee, in accordance with the Constitution.

These by-laws shall apply to all participants on Bishopdale Tramping Club tramps.


  1. The Committee shall devise a programme of tramps and distribute a copy to each member. The price of each tramp shall be shown on this programme.
  2. When members take cars to supplement the bus, they shall be remunerated according to a formula decided by the Committee.
  3. When members incur expenses organising approved club activities, e.g., Social, Tramp reconnaissance etc. they should be recompensed.


  1. On a tramp, all groups shall have a designated leader and tailender. If the Leader and/or Mentor have any concerns relating to the tramp they should consult the President and/or Planning Committee Lead (or substitutes) prior to commencing the tramp.
  2. The leader shall be responsible for:
    1. The route to be followed
    2. The time and place of any refreshment stops, including lunch
    3. Setting a suitable pace
    4. Consulting with the President, or substitute, if a serious problem develops
    5. The leader can advise against a member’s participation in a tramp or part of a tramp
    6. Nominate a person to be responsible for leaving gates as found
  3. The tailender shall be responsible for:
    1. Knowing how many are in the group
    2. Notifying the leader of any problems within the group
    3. Looking after any trampers needing help
    4. A Club Emergency Kit and Personal Locator Beacon


  1. Trampers should come prepared for sudden weather changes at all times.
  2. All trampers on Club tramps shall have the following equipment:
    1. Strong comfortable boots or shoes
    2. Day pack
    3. Wind and rain proof clothing
    4. Warm jersey or shirt, wool or polypropylene
    5. Woollen hat and gloves
    6. Basic first aid kit (the Club’s Emergency Kits are not intended to be used for minor problems)
    7. Whistle
    8. Food and water (1½ litres of fluid suggested)
    9. Light, clean footwear to wear on the bus after the tramp
    10. Dry clothing to change into if necessary (may be left with footwear on the bus)
  3. Trampers are advised to have the following:
    1. Tramping boots
    2. Sun hat and sunscreen
    3. Spare laces
    4. Insect repellent and anti-histamine
    5. Toilet paper
    6. Waterproof over-trousers


  1. Members shall avoid placing fellow trampers in the position of having to supply equipment, or having their safety compromised.
  2. The requests of the leader shall be complied with.
  3. Three blasts on a whistle shall indicate a problem, and two blasts shall indicate receipt of that message.
  4. A name tag shall be attached to the pack, showing the member’s name and on the back a contact number.
  5. Members must complete the Emergency Information Sheet and carry it inside a plastic bag in their first aid kit.
  6. No tramper shall:
    1. Move ahead of the leader, or on a different route, other than as agreed by the leader
    2. Go behind the tailender, other than as agreed by the tailender
    3. Leave the group unaccompanied, other than as agreed by the leader or tailender
  7. All trampers shall watch for those immediately behind them, to ensure they are aware of the track to be followed, especially at junctions.
  8. If a member must leave the track for toilet reasons, they shall leave their pack on the track.


  1. Bookings for members, including those going by car, should be via the Hello Club booking system. Visitors can book via
  2. Members have priority over visitors until 5pm on the Monday before the tramp.
  3. Trampers who cancel the tramp before 8am on the Tuesday prior to the tramp will receive a full refund.
  4. Trampers who cancel the tramp after 8am on the Tuesday prior to the tramp will forfeit the cost of the tramp.


  1. Permission shall be obtained from landowners before any Club members go onto private land (Normally this will be done in advance, by a designated committee member).
  2. Because we are reliant on the goodwill of landowners, and in the interests of the environment, trampers are expected to keep to the track or to follow the leader; to cross fences or gates when advised by the leader; not to disturb stock unnecessarily; not to litter.